Sunday, 17 June 2007

Beauty = Love

A friend asked me the other day why does Beauty = Love above the picture of the sky on the right hand side? Well my thoughts are as follows: God created everything in this Universe with US - humans - in mind. He made it all good, He made it beautiful. There was no need or necessity to make it beautiful or pleasing to us and yet He did so and I personally get a lot of pleasure from God's handiwork. Therefore, to me, this combines to say that all that is good and beautiful was made in preparation for us via love.

Hence: Beauty = Love.



Clive Smit said...

Here's me being theological...

What makes us think that God created it for us?
Isn't that a bit humanistic?

What if it was created for God... to bring Him pleasure.
Is that why there are so many things and details that we will never see?... but He sees!

Perhaps Western Christianity is to 'me' / human focused.
Eg. We usually talk about how people need to give their hearts or they will go to hell. They need to save themselves that awe full punishment and need to run to God.
But what if the real reason we need to preach the Gospel is so that there would be more praise, more glory given to God?

What you think?

Cat said...

Hmmm I do love it when I have to think. Funny you should mention this as this is a way of looking at creation that wasn't actually my original thought but rather was raised in Old Testament A class. I guess I didn't explain my thoughts very clearly looking back on what I wrote (it was a 1am posting though!) but hey here's a clarification.

Humanity is the pinacle of creation. We were made last in God's image to live in relationship with Him. As such it is possible to see the rest of creation as made in preparation for our existence hence 'made for us' however in reality this does not mean that - as you rightly point out and I should have thought through a bit more - creation is made for our glory. Rather together all of creation including humanity brings glory to God through both existing and choosing to worship Him.

I guess my point was more along the lines of this - God could have made everything beautiful and amazing in His eyes and yet in such a way that does not bring us nearly as much joy or pleasure. Similarly He could have dulled our senses so that we could not see all the colours and smell all that we can or taste etc etc. The fact that all these things exist still brings glory to Him (just as all the things we can't experience do so today). Still He chose to allow us to be able to experience the portion that we can and that in itself is a great act of love. So I still claim that beauty = love.