Thursday, 14 June 2007


Undercommitment and overcommitment. I think that two of the biggest problems amongst leaders today and facing leaders today are represented by these two words. Finding the balance between the two seems to be exceedingly difficult.

They came up a little in leaders lifegroup tonight and when asked for solutions I don't think we really got anywhere fast! I know my tendency is towards overcommitment. If I'm going to do something then I want to do it well and to focus on both big picture and small details. Yet I also know a lot of people who won't commit to anything and will do the bare minimum to get by while grabbing as much as they can out of the commitment. Leading those types of people is frustrating as heck and exceedingly draining. Likewise leading overcommitters is challenging as they will do anything asked of them but then start to disappear under their commitments and so can't be relied upon to stay healthy and committed for the entire journey.

So how do we address this - primarily in our own lives, and then in the lives of those we are shepherding??? Prioritising is whats shouted at me by my advisors and yet everything from my vantage point looks equally important...

Except God.

I have learnt that seeking God first results in everything falling into place.
I have also learnt that His priorities and mine don't necessarily line up and I need His input daily to fall in line with Him rather than imposing my steps on His.
I have learnt that going back to basics really does work.
It's not pat responses.
It's truth.

It's also hard work and discipline!!!

At the end of the day I don't think we will ever learn to get the balance right - things change every day that affect our balance! God however balances everything perfectly and knows whats coming before we do - it makes much more sense to pass everything over to Him. I know lots of people are not morning people and don't pray in the morning or like to read their bible then (me being one) but God has the ability and willingness to work with us to change our ways of being, if we ask Him to. I really feel challenged to try the 'mornings with God FIRST' approach to try and address this area of my life and I challenge you to do so too. Undercommitment stunts our growth and holds us back from experiencing lifechanging transformation. Overcommitment prevents us from doing what we do with excellence and being able to finish the race with heads held high. Where do you fit in?

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