the background as I need to have a constant source of distraction otherwise my brain distracts itself! Anyway I'm listening to the boyband Blue of all sources and the song 'Breathe Easy' comes on. It's actually one of my all time favourites and so I cranked the sound up and started actually paying attention.

No I
I can't breathe easy
I can't dream yet another dream
Without you lying next to me
There's no way
Out of my mind
Nothing makes sense anymore
I want you back in my life
That's all I'm breathing for
Tell me why
Tell me why
So, ignoring the blatantly boy-girl relationship aspect to the words, the words just suddenly hit me. We are God's dream - His purpose even? He has done so so much for us and is crying out to us to return to Him. We cause Him such huge pain and yet such great delight. Even when we seem to come closest to Him our eyes are constantly caught by idols - money, relationships, materialism, pride - the heartbreak must be intense. And yet He still sings us lovesongs through creation and quietly whispers into our souls, He bails us out time and time again. I know if a guy cheated on me that would pretty much devastate me - even more so if he had committed his life to me. To have him then come back and ask forgiveness only to repeatedly leave me to come crawling back would really really break my heart. I don't know if I could keep taking him back. Yet God does. Jesus knew what it was to be tempted and yet stayed true. I can't help but feel He was speaking to me - tell me why? tell me why? Is it worth it? I LOVE YOU! Come back, never leave me, you are my dream.
Look at procrastination take a hold of you while you should be doing assignments : )
What a BOOMER of a blog!
Isn't God's love so amazing... even when we are absolute dogs!
Thank you Jesus for your amazing love!
Its called breaks!!!
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