Ok. In John 10 (which we covered in leaders lifegroup for those playing at home)Jesus says the following (New Revised Standard Version):

Having pondered these verses a lot both in pastoral care study and in lifegroup recently they were fresh in my mind. Then I read John 8:47 today:
"Whoever is from God hears the words of God. The reason you do not hear them is that you are not from God.”
Or, in the New Living Translation:
"Anyone whose Father is God listens gladly to the words of God. Since you don't, it proves that you aren't God's children."
So we have Jesus first saying that one of the ways we may know whether or not someone is from God, or is one of His children, is by whether they hear from God / listen for God's words gladly. Then Jesus states that He is the good shepherd and that the sheep follow Him and KNOW HIS VOICE - indeed they will run from the voice of a stranger.
Now hearing the voice of God and knowing that one has heard Him is a very touchy topic amongst Christians today. Some people claim He does not speak having said all He needs to through the bible, others claim He speaks through coincidence and scriptures only, still more claim the bible is irrelevant as God speaks to them continuously. Yet here in scripture it states quite clearly that to be considered a child of God we must be listening to - not just for but to - God's voice, and that we will accordingly run from strangers.
I started pondering what it's like to be a Christian and yet to not know God's voice - I won't say not hear God because I firmly believe God speaks continuously to all people Christian and non-Christian. Without being able to recognise the Shepherd life must be very confusing. I think we resort to following the general consensus around us - watching what the other sheep do and following their lead. Because we are unaware of the Shepherd calling our name and the direction and guidance He is providing we place far more value on our friendships and mentors and their advice and suggestions. So much so that we follow their lead even when we aren't completely comfortable and can no longer SEE the Shepherd or FEEL the effects of His presence. We follow other shepherds (i.e. other religions and leaders such as Buddhism and Islam) and get caught up in their flocks because we don't know what our Shepherd sounds like. They tend to look similar as they wear the same clothes and give similar instructions, but they lead us in the wrong direction and their promises of Heaven and our destinies are confusing and costly.
Knowing our Shepherd's voice and understanding some of what He is saying to us protects us and gives us a much more reliable connection with Him than simply seeing and feeling the effects of His presence. Listening to Him builds relationship.

I believe this topic is incredibly important and relevant to all of us today and I can't wait to see what you think!!!
Really cool!
This web page is one of the best I've seen for how God speaks to us:
The first five are the most critical. The rest can be a little hazy and I find they can be hard to tell if they were from God or not without the first 5 to back them up.
God does speak to me, albeit in a subtle way for me at least. I have never heard a 'voice', but there is usually some sign, or something happens which hepls me. For instance, getting lost in the bush one day, I was walking the wrong way but I wasnt too sure. So I asked God and I just knew to turn around and go the correct way. Going on a trip, there were 2 ways to get somewhere, so I asked God which way to go and once at the intersection I just 'knew' which way to go. Turned out the other way was icy and foggy and had lots of accidents. So, yes God does speak to us, in many different ways. I gess it comes down to how you want to inteperate it.
Why not take a moment to look at this book:
This book is filled with real life emails. The emails contain within them some of the normal daily struggles of life that we all go through. Some of the emails are from ordinary people, and some of them are from church leaders. Perhaps you will be able to identify with some of the situations in which these people found themselves? - What if God were to talk directly to you? - What would you ask Him? - How might that change your life?
The book also contains the author’s personal spiritual journey from agnosticism to faith in Christ and provides compelling evidence for belief in a very personal God.
Also see www.godandemail.com
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