Sunday, 20 May 2007

Pursuit in a word

Wow what a crazy crazy week! I can't believe that its only been five days since I posted my last blog - feels like an eternity ago! I, along with a large portion of the staff and leadership team (especially the music department), was up at CLCA South attending the leadership conference 'Pursuit of Excellence' from tuesday to friday and my mind and spirit combined are in revelation overload. So much so in fact that I can't even begin to unpack what happened - it would just take hours and screeds of writing and no-one would EVER read it all.

I think if I reduced everything to one word that word would be "GO". The details will come, it doesn't matter if you go in the wrong direction and have to keep changing course, the point is you are actually moving and doing something not locked up in a closet praying and never doing anything to help direct that prayer. As one of my amazing lifegroup leaders said today(and she hadn't been to Pursuit which makes her EXTRA brilliant to have reached this on her own - go BETH!) its much harder for God to push you in the right direction if you are stationary. At least if you are moving you already have some momentum up and going so its more of a gentle hand guiding the shoulder not a kick up the behind before direction can be given.

This has reinforced some of the opinions I held before the conference about the need to start serving even if you have no idea what your 'calling' is as well as challenging me as to what am I doing right now? Is everything necessary? Effective? Addressing the big commands - to love God, love neighbours and love self? Am I witnessing to my family? Is my family a priority? What does this all look like and what SHOULD it look like? How am I going to change so I am being most effective with the resources I have?

It is so easy to sit here with my list of resources and think I have so little - especially when my list of responsibilities (gosh there are a lot of 'i's in that word) and commitments is in my other hand. Truth is I am incredibly blessed just to have been born into this country let alone to have been given the talents and skills God has blessed me with and the ability to work and study. As James MacPhearson shared with us at camp - its up to us whether we view what we have as a famine or a feast and I choose to see my life through the feast mindset. I just have to determine what I am going to allow access to my feast and what is just going to have wait or be directed elsewhere.

So that is my very condensed version of Pursuit and my response to it. Now I need to start to unpack each message and its relevance to me and apply them. Fun!!!

1 comment:

Clive Smit said...

I couldn't have summarized Pursuit better myself

We so often complecate our walks with God don't we...

But it really is soooo simple...
just find an area to serve, be found faithful with little, and God will take care of the rest.
