Monday, 14 May 2007

You get out what you put IN

As per normal I attended church last night and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. This is a complete contrast to how I felt about church two and a half years ago. Then I would come slink in the side a couple of minutes late, stand and sing but never move from my standing position - even to clap. I'd sit through the service, maybe take a note or two but wouldn't open my bible, and then afterwards chat to maybe one or two people from cellgroup before disappearing home quickly. I'm so glad things have changed.

Back then church was something that was meant to fit in with me, to suit my tastes and meet my needs. I wasn't willing to put anything in until I received what I thought I needed. I would complain the church wasn't very friendly, but never greet anyone myself. I would complain the teaching wasn't very deep, but never take the time to read the bible and understand the teachings at a deeper level. I was trying to suck all I needed out of the tiny commitment I had made and wondered why I was getting so little!

A couple of weeks ago during the offering talk the point was made that what we give in offerings is returned to us tenfold. Last night Dave Artinian mentioned that what you receive back is often in a different form to that which you put in. This doesn't just go for money though - it goes for praise, time, commitment, service, friendship etc etc etc. By choosing to sacrifice my time and my fears of rejection and not being good enough and do things anyway I have been blessed beyond my wildest imagination. I think this is why I enjoyed last night so much. Last night the altar was filled with people, young and old, stepping out of their comfort zones and praising God. It was beautiful! This is also why I love inviting people to step out of their routines and join me in ministering to someone who's hurting, greeting someone new, or serving on a women's team. There are any number of ways to stretch people a little further and often all they need is a little encouragement or support - I know the benefits and I can't wait to see them break through and experience them too.

The most rewarding thing about church for me these days is seeing the people standing in my shoes of two and a half years ago starting to walk forward in their own paths - knowing there is more in store for them and helping them start to see it too by the grace of God =)

1 comment:

Jeremy Sargent said...

Good on you for pressing in to God
Not finding the satisfaction in passing blame but taking responsibilty to do something about it .The Body of Christ is so more richer for you being here
Bless you