Saturday, 12 May 2007

'Nature'al Medication

Today has been another day of study - but with a twist. I can only handle sitting still so long - leave it too long and I start getting a little bit crazy. Just as I was getting the I can't cope point today I hit a new section in my course called 'Praying with God's "other" book'. The notes discussd how often in the bible people were praying and receiving revelation in the most random places, on mountaintops (Abraham as he climbed up to sacrifice Isaac, Jesus before choosing the disciples and again at his transfiguration), in fields (Isaac was meditating in one when his servant and Rebekah returned), in gardens (Gethsemane), watching potters (Jeremiah 18), at lakeside breakfasts (John 21:15ff). The point being that often it is in creation that God speaks to us.

I know that creation and nature are essential to my spiritual wellbeing. When I haven't made the time to stop and reflect, to re-examine, and to just be in nature - particularly in the bush or at the beach - I start to lose focus and begin to sweat the small stuff. So today - in spite of the myriad of things I need to get done - I went for a walk. I didn't stride it out or hurry, in fact I kind of meandered a bit. I didn't drive to the gardens or the lake, I just walked out my front door with nothing in my hands and no bag on my back. I walked with no destination in mind. The only thing I took with me was one thought: I am a part of this creation. I am not an observer. This is my environment and I am a part of it - it was made for me and I was made for it.

I can't say that it was a particularly spiritual walk or that I received an amazing revelation, but I did take time to pause and reflect and enjoy. I took a photo of an amazingly purply coloured plant. I stood in awe staring up the trunk of a massive massive pine tree. I thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine on my face and back. I listened to a band practice in someones home and admired the drumming. I kicked the autumn leaves and smelt the fragrance of rotting foliage. I smiled. It was great and it only took 34minutes.

We live in an amazing world. It is incredible how even in the city we are surrounded by insects and green green grass and extremely large trees as well as totally diverse people, weird and wonderful architeture and constant movement. As nice as it is to 'get away from it all' its great to simply choose to enjoy and marvel at the environment we live in day by day and still come away feeling refreshed and free.


Kenrick Smith said...

hey, cool thought cat.
i struggle to just walk but good on you. Im all for God talking to me in feild and on mountain tops, just too many assignment and stuff to get to the mountians so for now my rooms gonna have to do, but tomorrow im gonna go do some city jumping... yay.

Anonymous said...

I like cats because they are furry and black. They can also be white sometimes, or grey, or even white and grey at the same time... and black too. Your name is Cat and your hair is black... like some cats. And cats also like to eat rats... I don't but that's ok. Have a great day :)

Anonymous said...

have you been a good little girl,
Will you get a lump of coal or a lump of love.

One day
i was sitting in the hay
and i said to my mate, bay!

lets get some clay
and in May
when i get my pay
the sun will go away...
COS IT will be NIGHT

and i will shout with all my might
hey i want some vegemite
so my stomach doesn't get blight
and my pants aren't so tight.

but thats ok cos i got a fright
and made them more tight
like kfc on a friday night
but its alright
because I'm tough

and I'm ruff
and I like billy goats gruff
who ran off a bluff
with his nanny's stuff
cos he got in a tuff
with his Mum

who had a big bum
and like to play the drum
on her moderately sized tumm
not as moderate as her thumb nail

this one time i went to jail
and the sky sent forth hail
but its ok cos my Mum sent mail
from her midget

he collects widgets
and all kinds of didgets
that he sticks on his fence

THe End

just trickin
kfc is fingerlickin
the end
for ever ever ever ever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever everever ever ever till next time.

Cat said...

For anyone who is interested to read this I must pay tribute to my lovely flatmates who contributed so... 'creatively' in the past few comments - you know who you are!!!