As a result of the essay I wrote for BCNZ I have become increasingly curious about how people hear God. The more I ask the more diverse the answers become! It seems though that the more intentional people are in seeking to hear God the more they hear and also the more diversely they recognise God in their lives.
I have asked at least 30 people so far and not one has said they hear God as an audible Voice - rather they hear Him as an unusual thought of wisdom (often in relation to something they are doing at the time - working or watching a movie etc), as a direction or guidance, as intuition, as reassurance and peace about a situation or a decision etc. By the by I have been only asking students and young workers not anyone with Bible College or similar teaching.
Interestingly most people tend to talk about the 'last time' God spoke to them - typically weeks or months ago. Also they are not very confident talking about this topic. Not once have I encountered someone who interacts with God as He speaks to them, not questioning or arguing or commenting even.
All of this research leads me pondering a few things. I think there really is a need for teaching on this subject - especially for those who have been Christians for a while and are struggling in their relationship with God. For me a relationship works two ways in terms of communication and so a huge part of my relationship with God is conversing with Him daily (and that isn't just me pray for an hour then listen for an hour - thats one of us say something - the other respond etc). I know we all have individual relationships with God but I'm pretty sure this sort of thing is key to growing in spiritual maturity. Thoughts?
I hear from God,his frequency is broadcast 24/7 its a matter of whether we are tuned in all not
If I am not hearing from God on a daily basis ,I am in big trouble
I need to hear from him for my family,children,my friends,my leaders and my followers and for those that dont know him yet
Do we listen?
God speaks not only in the earthquake ,wind,but in the soft still voice
we need to put ourselves in a position to her that voice
My sheep know my voice the bible says.
It's all in your head, Jeremy. All in your head.
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